Company Employees 海外留学をお考えの企業のみなさまへ

大学院修士課程(LL.M.)プログラム Kobe LL.M. (GMAP in Law)


  • ◇ 国際取引法、国際投資法、国際商事仲裁といった「国際ビジネス法」科目に重点を置く、英語によるLL.M.コース
  • ◇ 通常2年、最短1年での修了が可能
  • ◇ 80%以上の講義が英語圏の各国からの招聘者による講義
  • ◇ 国際的多様性のある学生との学習
  • ◇ 海外インターンシップ(1ヶ月~3ヶ月)による実務体験の機会
  • ◇ 各国で開催される模擬裁判・模擬仲裁への積極的参加
  • ◇ 英語によるコミュニケーション能力向上のための重点的かつ特別サポート
  • ◇ TOLES受験の機会


1年目に要する費用はTUITION AND FEESでご覧いただけます。

Study for an international LL.M. in Kobe Kobe LL.M. の利点

Why go all the way to the US or the UK when you can get the following in Japan?

  • - An all English LL.M. course with a primary focus on business law and practise
  • - Can be completed in 1 year (intensive) or 2 years
  • - Over 80% of lecture courses given by international lecturers (including native English speakers from the US and UK)
  • - Study with international students
  • - Opportunity to gain experience of overseas working environment by 1-3 month overseas internship
  • - Participate in a moot or moots outside Japan with participants from other countries
  • - Significant extra support for improvement of English communication skills
  • - Opportunity to qualify for TOLES international legal English certificate

Studying fees together with living and travel costs to obtain an LL.M. in a foreign country such as the US or UK can be expensive. The LL.M. in our Global Master Program provides a cost effective way of obtaining a substantial part of the benefit and experience of studying overseas. Our LL.M. course provides excellent value at a very reasonable cost and is substantially cheaper than obtaining something similar in North America or western Europe.

Company Employees