
Prof. Naoko Matsumura

Naoko Matsumura
Associate Professor of International Relations
     How can international institutions, such as treaties and international organizations, facilitate cooperation among states? This is one of my research interests which I answer empirically by using statistical methods. I also utilize online survey experiments to ascertain the role that international institutions play in shaping public opinion. In the graduate school program, I teach various courses dealing with quantitative methods. In today’s world, the abundance of data as well as technological innovation provides us with the tools to answer difficult questions regarding our society. I am very much looking forward to engaging inquisitive students who are interesting in seeking answers to their own research questions through the collection of original data and the use of various analytical tools.


    Our graduate school program offers students courses that are taught from a variety of research methods, such as quantitative methods to qualitative methods including case studies, interviews, and socio-historical analyses. Outside the regular lectures, we regularly hold workshop sessions and guest lectures by renowned scholars both domestic and overseas where students will be exposed to the cutting edge of research. From my experience of studying abroad, I value the importance as well share in the joy of working with people with different social and academic backgrounds. Our graduate school also offers double degree programs with universities in the United Kingdom and Poland. I do hope that students take advantage of these opportunities and strive to expand their future possibilities.